Monday, March 12, 2012

Dumas Shower

This past weekend was a whirlwind! Friday I had a doctors appointment at noon (32 weeks), that lasted about 3 hours since the doc was running late, then we left town and drove 5 hours to Lubbock. We were able to see Collin and Cassie's little girl Addy (tiny and sweet!). The next morning we had a pancake breakfast with my grandparents then drove to Amarillo and had lunch with Dillon's Nanny. That evening we headed north again, to Dumas where we stayed the night with the Sykes and grilled steaks!

Sunday morning Dillon was invited to preach at First Presbyterian of Dumas. He did an excellent job if I do say so! Following the service there was a baby shower potluck in our honor! We were so touched that the community we said goodbye to 3 years ago wanted to bless us, and it was indeed a blessing. There were 100+ people there to celebrate with good food and company. I am so mad that I didn't get my camera out until we were leaving but time got away from us as we had such a nice time catching up with old friends. We are so amazed at everyone's generosity- it was a gift card shower, so we spent the drive home opening sweet cards from everyone.

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