Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Never Thought....

That I would be one of those moms who had anxiety about leaving her child in the nursery.

That I would enjoy rocking with my little one in the glider for hours on end.

That I would feel so fiercely about protecting her morning nap times.

That I would still be breastfeeding.

That I would be so sad to move my daughter to her own room at nighttime.

That I would feel so attuned to her needs, often sensing them before she expresses them.

I will admit that I was quick to judge others forms of parenting. Since having Reese I have eaten my words many times. I have had to let go of my pride. I am not as tough as I thought I would be. I am not as productive as I wish I were. I am constantly analyzing my choices, because they will have a lasting, even eternal impact in the precious life of my daughter. Michelle Obama said something in her speech last night that I think applies to many of us in whatever stage we are in (quote changed to illustrate my point) along these lines- "Being a mom does not change who you are, no it reveals who you are."

Oh how I love that little girl!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I can totally relate! Well said, my friend. Learning the difference between who I am, who I thought I was, who I thought I should to be, and who God made me to be... all through loving a little girl. It's been humbling for me too, to say the least.