Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 34

This past week I finally started experiencing some of the not so pleasant parts of pregnancy! All I can wear {comfortably} to work are flip-flops lest my feet bulge out in their swollen state. Teachers that I work with have started saying things like "Any day now!" or "Are you going to make it til the end?" which in one sense is not helpful to hear, but I understand their sentiment because I really am large.

Last Friday we saw 'The Hunger Games' with some friends and then went to Whiskey Cake. I wasn't too uncomfortable sitting for 2 hours but I have a feeling that might be my last movie before baby? I wouldn't mind if Reese decided to come just a little early. But of course, we just want a healthy baby and I know these last few weeks should be relished.

Things are winding down at work- Cheerleading tryouts are finished, parent meetings have come and gone, and now I am working on finishing up all the loose ends in the clinic. Dillon on the other hand has been busy sending out his resume and scheduling interviews - we are kind of about to switch roles and I am ready for the change.

We have proudly been sharing the news that our little girl is taking after her daddy (and myself I suppose)- At her 34 weeks appointment, her legs were measuring 37 weeks! That has some of my family suspecting an early arrival- we shall see!


beckylbranch said...

you look so cute. At 34 wks I looked like a beach whale...and Hunger Games was incredibly long. My booty was sore when I got up!

Cassie said...

you look great! can't wait to meet sweet reese!