Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring In My Step

The change from Winter to Spring always makes me happy. I feel inspired by the evolving surroundings. I am reminded of things I love.

*Walking my dogs- down past the busy corner where 4 neighborhoods intersect, onto the quiet street with tulips that leads to my secret park. This 45 minute walk always refreshes me, even on days I force myself out the door.

*Getting up before I have to start getting ready, to drink tea and begin my day with quiet moments. I don't do this as often as I should.

*Sitting on my patio, watching and listening to the wildlife, and feeling the sun on my legs, maybe with a good book.

*Cooking supper. Not just throwing together a last-minute meal, but taking time to plan a favorite dish, with sides and dessert. I love it.

~Just a few things that give purpose to ordinary days~

1 comment:

tootie said...

I agree - it's so nice to have spring weather and to be able to go for walks!