Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quatro Anos

I must say that I'm pretty proud that Thursday will mark Dillon and I's 4 year annivesary. I'm proud because its not something that just magically happened... rather, it signifies a celebration of all the up's and down's that we've encountered while continually resolving to love each other daily. I'm proud because Dillon is a better man today than he was when were married which is saying alot. I'm proud because I can make chocolate chip cookies from memory now, without burning them. We've come a long way =)

While lately we've been having fun planning for future trips, I wanted to remember all the adventures we've had in the past 4 years....

Dominican Republic

Grand Canyon

Angel Fire, NM

Laguna Beach, CA


Pagosa Springs, CO


New Orleans


Amelia Island, FL

Red River, NM

Cloudcroft, NM

Marathon, TX

Taos, NM

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