Monday, January 26, 2009


*Tonight my husband Dillon picked up his long-awaited Apple laptop. Among the many comments that I overhead as he assembled and played with his new toy, I couldnt help but smile as I heard him say to himself "She's just so beautiful."

*I know how it must feel to potty train a child. Penny is 2 years old and peed twice in our house today!!!

*I made fried rice at home tonight with shrimp and pineapple shishcabobs- pretty good!

*I am training for a 5k. I have a very reasonable schedule that will help me get in shape for it :
My dad is training too and is helping me stay motivated. We havent picked which race we want to be in yet though.

*I finally finished the final book in the Twilight series. An easy fun read that I would recommend.

Until next time, blessings and peace!

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