Monday, October 14, 2013


So far I am not complaining... I hear from family and friends back in Texas all about the heat and un-Fall-like conditions. But I must say, I am so surprised at this South Dakota weather! One week it was sunny and warm- the next I was welcoming Fall, and suddenly- Winter was upon us! Photos to prove:

They say this was the worst October blizzard in history. We are sure counting ourselves lucky because we only went without power for 2 hours, while many friends of ours went 4 or 5 days without! We also were fortunate that we did not lose any of our trees, when so many of our neighbors did. 

All to say- Fall is underway and it has been busy and good. Last year this time Reese was just a few months old and I was fearfully figuring out her routine and how to take care of a newborn, which meant we had a completely empty schedule. This year, I am feeling a bit of freedom with Reese dropping to one afternoon nap. Tuesdays we go to gymnastics class- a fabulous time to get out of the house, burn some energy and make new friends. Wednesday we (Reese and I) go to the city wide bible study, BSF- already it has proven to be a blessing for us both. Sunday mornings I help with the Kidventure dance team at church. 

Dillon has been busy busy busy with home projects. A few weeks ago he built a firepit in our backyard- hauling in bricks and rocks to make a little oasis. The past few weekends he has been working on tearing out and building a new deck with my dad. I am ready for him to be finished so we can have our weekends back with him!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

The fire pit looks awesome! Miss y'all!