Wednesday, February 20, 2013

9 Month Snapshot

I love seeing glimpses of Reese's personality as she develops. The other day I witnessed what might have been her first heartache. We face-timed on the phone with her Daddy, who was gone on an overnight trip. As soon as she saw him on the screen, her face crumpled and big tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her little body was heaving she was so sad! I've never seen her cry like that before and while I felt awful that she was so traumatized, I think Dillon was flattered {rightly so} that his little girl missed him so much!

Unfortunately for Reese, I do believe we share the same odd sense of humor. While tickles and the standard funny faces can make her laugh, what really sends her over the edge are the weird noises and dance moves that I do so well. One night after we had finished eating, Dillon and Reese were still at the table while I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher. I started dancing {if you can call it that} towards Reese really fast and she was cracking up, meanwhile Dillon made that comment that we need to get our windows covered ASAP (we have a huge window that anyone can see right through into our living  and dining room).

She just recently learned how to clap her hands together when we say "Patti Cake", and can give big wet kisses. She is crawling everywhere, pulling up and standing really well. She begins each day around 630, naps at 9 and 1 {1.5-2 hr naps} and goes to bed at 7. We just finished a 6 week swim class at the YMCA, and it seems we can pretty much go anywhere now together {except maybe the movies}. Favorite foods include cheerios, sweet potatoes, bananas, berries, apples and peas. I can't get myself a snack anymore without giving her one too- she likes to eat! We still nurse 4-5 x a day.

I spend alot of time just playing with her on the floor these days. Oh and reading lots of books, she loves story time. I typically shower when she goes down for her morning nap, and we usually try to get out of the house once a day (even if its a short walk). I think these days are flying by and while they are not glamorous, they are priceless and I treasure them. 

Below is a typical early morning- I drink my tea while Reese plays, and Dad gets ready. 

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