Sunday, September 4, 2011


I have to brag on Dillon. This is his last fall semester of seminary (Lord willing!) and I am so proud of him.

3 years ago, he was just beginning his very first class, Greek I, at Westminster in Dallas (now Redeemer Seminary), and I was anxious to be honest.  We were living in Dumas, so the plan that we came up with and both agreed upon was that he would fly to Dallas Tuesday mornings, and return Friday afternoons, and he would do this for 1 month. The day he left, I came home from work to an empty house and discovered he had set up a scavenger hunt for me- I was led through our house with clues until I found the treasure: LOST (the first season).

I tell this story because it illustrates how Dillon’s heart has been for me during his time at school. Some weeks we did not talk much at night because he would be working on a paper or studying for a test- but he rarely studied outside of our home if I was there. He always sat down before signing up for classes to go over the schedule with me and make sure it looked good. He often invites me to sit in certain classes if they are in evening. While I know he loves to learn and study theology, I have never doubted that he cares more about our marriage than his grades. He is a blessing to me!

It is an honor to see him grow. Some of my favorite parts of the past few years have been witnessing his passions come to life. He started leading Sunday School 2 years ago, which led to the start of Young Adult Small Group, which has grown from 6 of us at the start, to currently, 18. And about a year ago, Dillon was approached by church staff who asked him if he would like work part time doing what he was already doing- such a blessing! Dillon just loves people, and loves theology- God is using him already for great things and this makes me so excited for what the future holds.

In a relatively short amount of time, he will start putting together a resume and looking for a call/job. We often talk about where we will end up, what kind of church it will be, etc… While the details are unknown, I have complete trust that God will take us where we need to be, and that Dillon will be ready. 

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