Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life with a 4 month old

For the purpose of someday looking back and remembering what my days looked like...

Reese got up at 2 a.m last night, ate a small bit, and {only} cried til 2:45. This is actually a small victory.

She was fussy this morning so we took a blanket out front to enjoy the cool Fall morning on the lawn. I was feeling generous so I allowed Penny to come too, unleashed. A few seconds after we got settled, I looked over just in time to see Penny ROLLING in POOP.

Speaking of- I got pooped on this afternoon. Sometimes it happens if Reese is sitting a certain way in my lap.

Our latest solution to Reese's nightly fussiness is going on a LONG walk right up until bedtime. She usually goes down around 7, so we typically leave for the walk at 6.  She loves it and it does all of us good to get out of the house together. Not sure what we are going to do come winter- just bundle up I guess!

It is so sad to pack away Reese's 3 mo. clothes- but equally exciting to get out all the cute 6 mo. outfits she received or that I bought back in Dallas at Salvation Army before she was born.

Baking has become my stress-reliever. The first 2 months after Reese was born I gave up sugar, but the last month I have gone crazy - chocolate chip, and lemon sugar cookies... Muffins and yellow cakes and apple dumplings. Puppy chow and cinnamon rolls. Just to name a few of my delectable indulgences.

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