Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nooks, Pie, Rain!

I REALLY love cozy weather- you have to be a little weird if the thought of sitting in a comfortable nook watching the rain pour down while eating a sweet treat doesn't sound like the most wonderful thing.

I thought I would share some spaces that I've created in our home that I hope are inviting to all who live and visit here.

I found the wreath on clearance at Tuesday morning, and we recently bought the mum at Lowe's in preparation for Autumn.

This is where I enjoy sitting in the mornings with a big cup of hot green tea (or black).

This is where I am typing as we speak. Dillon studies here, and while it's a little small, I hope its a comfortable and functional area.

Here is our patio where we have enjoyed listening to the creek, squirrels and frogs at night. We picked up the hibiscus and hanging plant at a bargain price.

This is the delicious Lemonade pie that I made the other night for our bible study (I made 2, being the smart girl that I am). SO easy and good! Search for it under allrecipes.

And here is the flowing river behind our fence.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Oh that is too funny! If we lived in the same town, we would have to get together and sew and look at cool fabrics!

Cheers to green tea!