Sunday, January 24, 2010

On My Mind

I love when God really gets my attention. I love to be reminded that He is still shaping me daily, and that He wants to grow me. I often forget, ignore or am to distracted to see His hand in my life. But in the past few weeks there has been a theme/topic that keeps coming up- one that I have never really been passionate about interestingly enough, but I can't ignore it. Rather than explain the various ways that He is drawing me into this 'discipline' I would just like to share with you a few encouraging words from the book "Spiritual Disciplines' by Donald Whitney regarding Evangelism...

"If it is so obvious to almost all Christians that we are to evangelize, how come almost all Christians seem to disobey that command so often?...........

I've never heard it expressed before, but I think the seriousness of evangelism is the main reason it frightens us. We realize that in talking with someone about Christ, Heaven and hell are at stake.... we sense a solemn duty to communicate the message faithfully coupled with a holy dread of saying or doing anything that would be a stumbling block to this persons salvation."

He goes on to explain that most people do not feel successful in explaining their beliefs and theology to others and come away feeling as if they have failed.

"What is success in evangelism? Is it when the person you witness to comes to Christ? Certainly thats what we want to happen. But if this is success, are we failures whenever we share the gospel and people refuse to believe? Was Jesus an 'evangelical failure' when people like the rich young ruler turned away from Him and His message? Obviously not. Then neither are we when we present Christ and His message and they turn away in unbelief. We need to learn that sharing the gospel is successful evangelism. We ought to have an obsession for souls, and tearfully plead with God to see more people converted, but conversions are fruit that God alone can give."

Jumping ahead, here is another exerpt discussing how evangelism is a discipline

"Unless we discipline ourselves for evangelism, it is very easy to excuse ourselves from ever sharing the gospel with anyone."..."Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

I'm still in the middle of the chapter but that is a glimpse into the thoughts circulating in my mind. Honestly I really don't even like saying the word 'evangelism' because I feel cheesy but once I get past the stigma, I have been seeing the need for it all around me and feeling challenged to live up to the calling that is so clear. Personally I resonate with the passage that says to "declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light," because to me true evangelism is just that- declaring His goodness. When you put it that way, it doesnt seem so scary!

Switching gears, this weekend Dillon and I went out with Pattie (school counselor were I work) and Mike to dinner and then live music at DoubleWide in Deep Ellem- notice the toilet chairs! We stayed out way later than usual (we go to bed no later than 10 every night) but really had fun listening to eclectic bands and doing something different~

1 comment:

laura jo said...

Thanks for your post, Laura! The big E word (evangelism) is so scary sometimes. At my church, we've been talking about "sharing our stories." That's all it is! It's just sharing our stories about how God has worked in our life! I have found that the teacher prayer group has really helped me this year, to talk about my faith and rely on my co-workers more than any other year here.

Anyway, that's a novel. It's cool that you and Patti got to hang out, too! Fun fun fun!