Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sister Sister

February 26th is Katie’s birthday- people are celebrating with her all over the world!

To say I am lucky to have her for a sister is to put it mildly

We have made many precious memories together and have grown closer in friendship every year

She is great about keeping in touch with those she loves (which are many in number!), and is very real with herself and others

She cares...and does something about it, even if inconvenient

She is full of life and fun, and she can DANCE

She is creative in spirit, encouraging with her words, and faithful as a sister

Happy 26th!

I am celebrating your life as it has been such a blessing to so many!


Katie said...

Laura! I love you so much and miss you!!!!! I wish I could see you today! Thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

HAPPY DAY, KATIE, although you will read this tomorrow.
You are amazing! much love